The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 has always been one of my favorite bible stories. It has resonated with me for so much of my life and I constantly go back to it for reassurance and a great dose of truth.
Many times I see myself as the older brother who didn't take the money and run but there are definitely points in my life where I fall into the trap of taking what God has given me and running away from him to do life on my own. Like the prodigal son, I so often take what God has given me--my talents, skills, abilities, desires, wealth, my thoughts--and go about my life just the way I see fit. I essentially run away to a far off place where my Father has no say in what I do or how I spend my God-given wealth and abilities. I use my talents, skills, desires for my glory and gain or I horde my money and stray away from giving it to my local church or to missionary friends because I believe that somewhere down the road I will need that money for something.
Although this doesn't exactly parallel the prodigal son's actions of squandering his wealth in wild living, I too squander my spiritual wealth and gifts in selfish living. I even take it one step further like the prodigal son and hire myself out to gain back my wealth. The son got a job working on a farm feeding the pigs. This was not a glamorous or even good paying job as he longed for food and even considered eating the pig feed! Sounds like a desperate situation but yet again I find myself in the shoes of the prodigal son time and time again. I may not be in need of food and may not have to stoop so low to consider eating pig feed for my dinner but, I do desperately long for God's love and presence in my life. As I live for myself by using my gifts, talents and abilities to find praise, glory and satisfaction it leaves me empty and poor. I too go looking for a way to bring myself out of spiritual poverty by trying to find love and satisfaction in how I dress, look and appear to people or I think that I can draw closer to God by simply reading a good book about him. These aren't inherently bad things just like getting a job feeding the pigs but they don't pay the bills--they don't bring satisfaction or allow us to truly experience God's love. The only thing that does is God himself and his Word.
The coolest part of the story comes next though and this is the part that continually inspires me and helps me understand more fully God's true heart. We see that the son finally comes to his senses and realizes he can go back home and work for his father to receive food. Again, that's exactly my thinking sometimes. I finally come to my senses and figure out that I can return to God as long as I do the right things--using my talents, skills, abilities and wealth for His glory and honor. Let us keep tracking the story because it takes a brilliant twist. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." (Luke 15:20) Wow, what a picture of love! Who would have ever guessed this is how his father would have reacted? So many things stick out from this one verse of scripture but what I find amazing is that his father ran to him "while he was still a long way off." I think we miss this idea so often when reading this story. Bill Bright, the found of Campus Crusade for Christ, writes about this story and makes a great observation about the father. In order for the father to have been able to run to the son and meet him while he was a long way off means the father had to have been keeping watch for his son's return. What an amazing truth about who God is. Not only did the father lovingly embrace his son and throw a party for him at the son's return but, he was day after day watching and awaiting his son's return. That is how God sees us. He constantly is waiting and praying for my return to him. And when I return he is running to me to throw his arms around me and let me know I have to do nothing for him in order to receive His love and forgiveness. If I would live with this truth in mind I know my life would look radically different. I am slowly but surely more fully understanding God's love and character and I am so thankful that he uses this story in my life as a perfect example of who I am in light of His love.
You too can understand that even if you take the money and run He is waiting for your return to him so he can lovingly embrace you into his arms. Check out Luke 15:11-31 for yourself, it is an amazing story! What an amazing God who we can call our Father.
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